Open Hours: Mon-Thu 8am-4.30 pm - Fri 8am-4.00pm

Enforcement Training – West Municipalities

Enforcement training is in progress for the enforcement officers from the West Municipalities.

The training is organised by Lautoka City Council and is conducted by the Land Transport Authority in Lautoka at the LCC chamber.

The course will be conducted for two (2) days – July 28 & 29, 2022. The course is facilitated by Manager Road Standards, Mr Deo Reddy and co-facilitated by Training Coordinator, Ms Alumeci Korobiau. Both are stationed at LTA Valelevu office.


At the end of the 2 days of training, participants should be able to:

  • Know and Understand the relevant provisions on the Land Transport Authority Act 1998 that empowers them as authorized Enforcement officers at respective council;
  • Learn and Understand Land Transport Act 1998; Section 86 (1) that empowers an officer employed by any Municipality to be authorized enforcement to issue Traffic Infringement Notice [TIN];
  • Understand the importance of carrying identification cards [ID Cards] as Authorized Enforcement Officer and able to explain their roles and responsibilities when approach by the public;
  • Able to enforce traffic laws;
  • Assist in the Deterrent of illegal activities on the road;
  • Understand the Open Taxi Ranking Systems that came into effect on April 25, 2022;
  • Able to write TINS clearly by quoting the relevant provisions in the Land Transport Act 1998 and respective Regulations before issuing them;
  • Learn and Understand Customer Service Approach.

Total participants – 30. Council officers from as far as Sigatoka, Nadi, Lautoka, Ba, Tavua and Rakiraki.

After successfully completing the 2 days training the participants will be issued the following:

  • Appointment letters – Authorized Appointment Officers [3 years term effective August 1, 2022]
  • ID Cards  
  • Certificates

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